In the fast pacing world, the way mobile has become the part and parcel of our lives need no particular mention. Using mobile SMS is a smart way to make our information reach people directly. It also calls in for very least efforts, yet is an effective way of reaching out.
Why Bulk SMS?
- o Comparatively cheaper
- o Image of the brand shapes out as being technically sophisticated
- o No Software or initial setup required
- o Unlimited free sender IDs
- o Uninterrupted service experience
- o Dedicated SMS bandwidth for high frequencies

Promotional SMS – To promote business.
Are you a businessman trying to find a way to promote your business? LEORAA Digital gives you the right solution, we have the promotional SMS service, and where you can send SMS to your target audience with all your promotional offers, the reach will be maximum
- o Brand awareness, promotion
- o Discounts, sales
- o Offers
- o Events
Transactional SMS – to give information about company alerts
To keep all things in place, the mandatory measure needs to be taken by the company is giving alerts and staying intact with people, for this we have the Transactional SMS service
- o E-commerce alerts.
- o PNR Status.
- o Educational institute’s notifications.
- o Registration and validation codes.
Dynamic SMS – Can send SMS dynamically to each name
Your customer gets a good feeling, when the information is being shared in his name, in particular, this raises the reputation of your brand. We have the Dynamic SMS service tailor-made for you to rise your company reputation.
- o Bill reminders.
- o Package deliveries.
- o Fee reminders.
- o Loan reminders.
- o Due date reminders.
Unicode SMS – language customized models
It would be great when the reach out is in their very own language. To reach the audience of all languages we have a Unicode SMS service which is language customized.
- o Festival wishes.
- o Brand offers.
- o Brand awareness.
- o Brand publicity.
SMS Excel Plugin – facility – SMS can be sent from the excel sheet directly
When you have a lot of data of all the people you need to reach out, but doing in specific can be a burden, to make this hassle-free, we came out with an innovative service solution SMS Excel Plugin where SMS can be sent from excel sheet directly to the people.
Two way SMS – allows you to receive SMS from customers and send a response
Two way SMS messaging platform allows you to receive SMS from customers and send a response based on the content of the received SMS.
Enterprise SMS
It is a software interface that enables asynchronous data (messages) to be sent by one program and stored in a message queue until the receiving program can process it.
We give a protected, bearer grade Enterprise SMS entryway intended for simple mix to your current applications, conveying a worldwide, high accessibility arranges for the conveyance of banking, money related and different administrations to cell phones, including:
- o Real-time stock quotes.
- o Personalized alerts and notifications on security prices.
- o Status of requests for credit, including mortgage approval, and insurance coverage.
- o Account balance updates.
- o Threshold alerts.
- o Mini statement delivery.
- o Account credit and debit notifications.
- o Suspicious account activity alerts.
- o One-time password delivery for Internet banking.
LEORAA DIGITAL Enterprise SMS Gateway makes it easy to expand your informing abilities with two-way SMS.
Two-way SMS is in excess of a specialized device – it can likewise be a ground-breaking method for improving client association and faithfulness.
Utilize two-way SMS:
Send SMS messages out from your email or back office framework – inbound SMS returns to your email address or back office framework.
Distribute your VMN (Virtual Mobile Number), and individuals react through SMS – we convert it to an email and convey it to you. Currently accessible in more than 100 nations
Long Code Service:
Long codes are 10 digit virtual portable numbers that are utilized for two-way correspondence. Since these are all inclusive open for example the clients/beneficiaries can access from global areas, they are charged ostensible SMS charges as it were.
There are two sorts of long codes.
- o Dedicated Long Code
Clients are doled out a selective long code for their business, which works for their applications as it were. Scope for boundless keywords and applications.
- o Shared Long Code
Clients share the long code with different organizations. Every business is doled out a specific watchword and the reactions are mapped likewise.
- o Free auto answer.
- o Unlimited keywords for committed long codes.
- o Live following and reports on web interface.
- o Integrate long code with applications through our APIs.
- o Integrated over all telecom administrators.
- o 24×7 specialized help.
- o International advancements.
- o Sales power the board.
- o Voting and Polls.
- o Promotions and Surveys.
- o Single player and multi-player games content aggregators.
- o Internal correspondence.
- o SMS visit administrations.
- o Media and promoting organizations.
Short Code Services:
Short codes are shared 5 or 6 digit virtual numbers that are utilized for two-path correspondence among organizations and clients and are incorporated over all telecom administrators.
Short Codes are utilized with Keywords. A keyword is a one of a kind word that is doled out to a short code number. At the point when a client sends a SMS with that particular catchphrase, they will get a programmed preset answer inside a couple of moments. In the event that you use URL sending, tweaked answers can be sent.
You can acquire whole data relating to your particular Short Code like key words utilized, portable quantities of clients who have informed including the sent time and area, and etc.
Two kinds of Short Codes – Dedicated and Shared
- o Committed Short Codes
Clients are doled out an elite short code that works just for their specific business.
- o Mutual Short Codes
Clients share the short code with different organizations. Every business is doled out a specific catchphrase and the reactions are mapped in like manner.
- o Free auto answer.
- o Unlimited key words for devoted short codes.
- o Unlimited sub key words.
- o Live following and reports on web interface.
- o Integrate short code with applications through our APIs.
- o Integrated over all telecom administrators.
- o 24×7 specialized help.
Short Codes are commonly utilized
- o Voting.
- o Polling.
- o Contests.
- o Customer Feedback.
- o Exam/test results.
- o Online draw.
- o Lead age.
- o Buy content (music, pictures, and so forth).