Bulk Voice Calls are pre-recorded language customized voice messages like voice Ads that are sent to the mobile. They are automated calls and involve the automated dialing of multiple numbers all at once using computer managed lists, making it a faster way to reach audiences in a shorter time.
A telephone messaging solution, a smart autodialer, the voice call system dials from numbers you have chosen and plays your recorded voice message. No person or agent is required to talk, the receiver of the bulk voice call simply listens to the recorded voice message.

Where can it be used?
- o Political campaign promotion, voter registration, vote reminders
- o Give reminders like EMI, Insurance premium
- o Appointment reminder, pre-scheduled meetings & conferences.
- o Health Care
- o Media Business
- o IT support staff for alert escalation processv
- o Stock brokers and Bankers
- o Event notification for churches, parties and organizations.
- o Travel Agents, Tour Operators, Educational Institutions, Insurance Agents etc